September 17, 2024

Vaporjoes Daily Vaping Deals

The original vaping deals and steals blog.

Pheonix Rebuildable w/ extras – $12.95

…its Litecigusa

Here is a deal on a Phoenix rebuildable.  Not only do you get the atomizer but your getting a screwdriver and 6 premade coils.   All you need to get going.

     1 x Phoenix 510 atomizer base
     1 x Atomizer body/cone
     1 x 510 Driptip
     1 x Mini screwdriver for replacing coil/wick assembly
     1 x Preinstalled wick/coil assembly “2.1-2.4ohm”
     5 x Prewound coil/wick assemblies “2.1-2.4ohm”



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