July 26, 2024

Vaporjoes Daily Vaping Deals

The original vaping deals and steals blog.


Well for a long time I resisted the temptation of putting up CBD deals. I was thinking of breaking it up into 2 different sites but CBDJOES doesn’t have a ring to it lol. 

I am a huge advocate for the use of whole plant CBD because It works.  For a year and half I was on  opioids due to a massive leg injury.  They prescribed me Dilaudid, oxycodone, things of that nature.   I hate taking pills and I wanted a way to get the relief I needed without pharma drugs.   

So began my CBD Journey.

I went and tried CBD.  I didn’t work.  Then I tried another CBD. That didn’t work. I got very frustrated until I came at it from a Vaporjoe approach.  There are tons of different types of nic juice and they aren’t all equal.  So I started really looking into it. I found whole plant CBD and it changed my life.

It’s just something I really believe in.  This will only be an addition to whats already here. So the normal vape deals will continue as normal.

The Vaporjoes Network is looking is currently making a formulation that is exactly what I use for my leg pain.  It really does work!


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